Faculty of Education Award
The Faculty of Education Award is offered annually to a student at a faculty or school of education at a publicly funded university/institution in Ontario, during the final year of their teacher training. Only one individual at each of the publicly funded faculties of education in Ontario may be chosen annually for this award. Up to 17 awards of $500 and a Certificate of Recognition may be granted.
Consideration will be given to those who demonstrate the following:
- academic excellence in bachelor of education courses
- a commitment to social justice and equity in keeping with ETFO policy
- exemplary teaching practices in practicum placements
- initiative to broaden personal experience in educational culture
- Some possible indicators of this include, but are not limited to:
- Leadership in student government at faculty of education
- Support for fellow teacher candidates
- Provincial/local ETFO involvment
- Leadership in events which benefit fellow teacher candidates or
- Exemplory interactions with students in a variety of educational settings
Candidates for the Faculty of Education Award must adhere to specific criteria.
Please answer the following mandatory questions: